Summer Sabbatical 2023
Burnout is real.
Services from Additive Integrity are on a brief pause for the summer as I take a much-needed sabbatical.
Additive Integrity started in 2018 by offering editorial services to the additive manufacturing industry.
That focus -- editorial -- runs deep for me, as writing is a foundational passion in my life. To keep it that way, I'm stepping back from 3D printing for just a bit of time to rekindle the love for writing. I used to be prolific in poetry and short stories, and currently have two novels gathering virtual dust in my files. It's time to blow off the dust and flex creative muscles, as well as simply stepping back from a chaotic professional time.
To that end, I've had a good amount of fun today on Canva creating some imagery to last through my sabbatical.
I'll be enjoying time with my beloved husband, fast-growing son, ridiculous cats, as well as more family and friends.
My office will convert to a creative space for these few weeks as my white boards move from deadlines and invoices to outlines and timelines.
Before we know it, August will be here!
As my son goes back to school, progressing in his Montessori journey, I'll reopen my inboxes and my Calendly appointments. (Technically Calendly is already reopened, as the dates for my availability are already in place.)
So with that -- and with a few more days working full steam ahead as June concludes -- it's back to a bit more 3D printing for me...
And then creating new worlds and characters while I take some time away from industry, mergers and acquisitions, and a difficult hiring environment.
See you this week...or in August!